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What is HubSpot? It's a CRM platform for sales, marketing, and more

Written by Serban Group EN | May 9, 2024 11:30:00 AM

"According to the research study on the State of Inbound Marketing, most marketing professionals worldwide are focused on 4 key challenges. What are they?"

  1. Turning sales opportunities into closed deals.

  2. Increasing traffic to your website.

  3. Boosting average ticket size per customer.

  4. Demonstrating the return on investment of marketing activities.

To achieve this, often different isolated and disconnected tools are used simultaneously, consuming time and money. Or tasks are performed manually, such as scheduling posts on all networks and reviewing customer profiles to send appropriate content based on where they are in the sales process.

Incorporating a marketing automation platform and a CRM brings significant benefits to make sales and marketing team tasks more efficient and faster.

86% of marketers using a CRM highlight its effectiveness in improving alignment with a single source of information. Additionally, CRM usage gives a 56% higher likelihood of being strongly aligned with sales teams compared to those who do not have it.

SMarketing: The best methodology to drive businesses.


78% of sales leaders say that their CRM effectively improves alignment between sales and marketing teams.

Source: HubSpot Research


Maximizing sales is a straightforward task when tackled by both sales and marketing teams together, a methodology known as SMarketing.

This methodology allows for a better understanding of the consumer journey through the harmony between marketing strategies and sales closing campaigns. To achieve this integration, it is vital to have a CRM that:

  • Can map the consumer from end to end and truly understand every step of their journey, from a website visitor to a customer.
  • Provides robust automation to organize, monitor, and nurture lead and customer relationships without relying on manual tasks.


Forty-five percent of companies report that using CRM software has increased sales revenue.

Fuente: Zippia 


HubSpot: Excellence in Inbound Marketing

HubSpot is one of the many tools renowned for its popularity and excellence: a digital platform providing a comprehensive suite of products for marketing, sales, and post-sale support, which synergize when used together. Specifically designed for implementing the Inbound Marketing strategy, these tools encompass three stages:

Through its analysis, HubSpot evaluates the ROI of its clients by observing increases in results across all stages of the marketing and sales funnel: 

  1. Awareness: Attracting users to become visitors.

  2.  Consideration: Converting website visitors into leads or qualified prospects.

  3. Decision: Converting qualified prospects into customers.

Based on these stages, HubSpot analyzes the ROI of its clients by observing increases in results across all stages of the marketing and sales funnel.

Additionally, centralization reduces costs associated with using different software for each specific activity. It achieves this by eliminating execution frictions and reducing the amount of work in integration, migration, and data analysis.

Benefits and features of HubSpot's CRM

  • Greater efficiency: Increased level of customization of each client's needs and journey.

  • Smarter decisions: Automation and machine learning enable teams to focus on converting more prospects.

  • Long-lasting relationships: Comprehensive view for teams and the necessary information to strengthen customer bonds.

  • Integration of Artificial Intelligence: Developed by default or by design as a whole and with a user-experience prioritized interface. Additionally, it is consistent and agile when it comes to customization.


Marketing specialists save 2.5 hours per day with AI. And 60% view artificial intelligence tools as a helpful aid in their work.

Source: The State of Marketing Report


The sales and marketing teams of companies aim to increase sales together. Sustainable growth, with better business metrics, is only possible hand in hand with a powerful tool like HubSpot's CRM and a good synergy strategy.