How to measure the state of your digital workspace to save and be more efficient

Imagine that your digital workspace is like your trusted neighborhood bar, the place where everyone goes. If orders are served late at the bar or the quality of the coffee is poor, people go elsewhere. The same goes for your digital workspace; If it is not well optimized, people (that is, your employees) will not be able to work comfortably and efficiently and, in addition, you will incur unnecessary expenses.

Let's go back to technology. With a focus on precise measurement and continuous improvement, in this post we offer strategies aimed at performing a healthcheck, that is, knowing the current state of your company's digital workspace to maximize efficiency, guarantee security and save. costs.

  • 1. Measuring security: In the remote work environment, security is no longer limited to a physical perimeter, but must be managed digitally to protect dispersed users. Measuring security involves evaluating the integrity of users, applications, and data using a software approach. This can be achieved by implementing advanced cybersecurity solutions and using indicators such as security incident rate, response time and disaster recovery solutions to optimize and save costs.

  • 2. Productivity by objectives: Remote productivity transcends traditional office hours and focuses on concrete results. Employees should be provided with a digital workspace that encourages their autonomy and efficiency and their productivity measured by goals achieved which can lead to greater employee satisfaction and, therefore, greater productivity.

  • 3. Employee Experience: Employee well-being is critical to their performance. Measuring the return on investment in the individual (ROI) involves evaluating whether the company's tools and policies improve their quality of life. Satisfaction can be measured through satisfaction surveys and analysis of interaction with the digital tools provided.

  • 4. Device flexibility: Adopting a “bring your own device” (BYOD) strategy and virtualizing the workspace can result in significant hardware savings. Productivity should not be tied to the device but to the employee's ability to work effectively with the equipment they prefer.

  • 5. Sustainability and Reduction of the Carbon Footprint: Extending the life cycle of devices and moving applications to the cloud are two practices that allow the company to be more efficient with its impact on the planet and be more ecological.

  • 6. Cloud Operation: Application maintenance and updates are simplified when we have them in the cloud, freeing up internal resources and reducing downtime. Measuring operational efficiency through the time to implement new functionality and the ease of migrations can reveal cost savings and improve business agility.

These tips to measure the state of the digital workspace not only point to a more efficient workspace, but also promote a culture of continuous improvement and sustainability in the organization.

At Serban Group we have been leaders in the markets in which we operate for more than 20 years in everything related to the workplace, with awards and certifications that prove it. If you need more information, do not hesitate to write to us, you can contact us here.



The value that comes from trusting your next steps in an integrator with the experience and knowledge of Serban Group is the peace of mind of knowing that, in addition to the value of the leading technologies in themselves with which we work, we deliver the complete and unified service. in the modality that the client wants. If you are looking to optimize your digital workspace, you can now access our SGX Workspace, the revolution in the work environment as a service. Don't hesitate to contact us, we are here to offer you personalized solutions that drive efficiency and innovation in your work environment.



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