Serban's main mission is to maintain a constant and renewed commitment to improving the IT services and solutions it offers. Serban considers the quality and safety of its products and services as its greatest responsibility, a priority commitment in its strategy, and part of the fundamental values of its company culture. In addition, we are aware of the environmental problems that exist today and we focus on minimizing the environmental impact of our activities.

The Management of GRUPO SERBAN, a company that designs and implements IT solutions in key areas such as virtualization, storage, security and Cloud infrastructure, manages these services (administration, maintenance and monitoring) and performs co-sourcing aware of the importance of satisfying the needs and expectations of our stakeholders in terms of service requirements and, therefore, Customer Satisfaction is our priority focus of attention and we bring into play all the necessary resources to achieve these goals.

Therefore, the Management assumes, as a fundamental part of its mission, the responsibility for Quality and Environmental Management, with the full participation of the Company's personnel, committing itself to:

  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including environmental and other requirements to which Serban subscribes or which are relevant to Customers. Also taking into account the needs of the Organization's relevant stakeholders.

  • Maintain and apply the requirements of the Quality and Environmental Management System implemented in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001:2015.

  • To implement in the organization a culture of continuous improvement of the Quality and Environmental Management System, through the identification and elimination of sources of error by means of concrete actions derived from data analysis, audit results, corrective actions and management review of the system.

  • Manage Quality and Environmental risks and opportunities.

  • Promote the training, qualification and continuous updating of personnel in the areas of their competence and environmental awareness through the publication of specific training sessions applied to the workplace.

  • Determine the appropriate means to ensure effective internal and external communication, especially with customers, and the information and participation of all employees.

  • Involve suppliers in the active commitment to quality improvement and environmental requirements applicable to their activities.

  • Insist, within the offices, on the prevention of waste generation, its segregation and recycling, whenever reuse is not possible, and efficiency in the consumption of resources (electricity, water, paper, etc.).

  • Establish, plan and review objectives consistent with this Policy and follow up on the actions taken to achieve them.

This policy is understood, implemented and kept up to date at all levels of our organization and will be available to relevant stakeholders.

November 2023 APPROVED: Steering Committee